2018 Lapkričio 30 d.

Lietuvos pramonės skaitmeninimo veiklos planas 2019-2030. Kas toliau?

Organizatorius: Ūkio ministerija, LIC, IntechCentras, EK

Vieta: Gedimino pr. 39, 212 salė

Renginio metu bus pristatomas Lietuvos pramonės skaitmeninimo veiklos planas 2019-2030, parengtas įgyvendinant projektą pagal Europos Struktūrinių reformų paramos programą, taip pat pristatomi ekspertų identifikuoti Lietuvos pasirengimo pramonės skaitmeninimui iššūkiai bei siūlymai dėl tolimesnių veiksmų, kurie būtų nukreipti į šių iššūkių sprendimą trumpojo, vidutinio ir ilgojo laikotarpio perspektyvoje. Renginyje taip pat dalyvaus Europos Komisijos atstovai, kurie pristatys naujausias EK iniciatyvas pramonės skaitmeninimo srityje.

 Renginys vyks anglų kalba.


09:00-09:15     Registration and coffee
09:15-09:25     Welcome and introduction

            Mr Gintaras Vilda, Vice-Minister of Economy of Lithuania


09:25-09:45     Presentation from representative of the European Commission

Mr Yves Paindaveine, Head of Sector, Digitising European Industry governance

9:45-10:25       Lithuanian Industry Digitalization Roadmap 2019-2030

            Mr E. Leichteris, Mr A. Izgorodin, Mr S. van der Molen, experts of the Roadmap

10:25-10:40     Coffee break
10:40-11:20     Roadmap’s Role in Industry Transition Strategy. Insights on Other Areas of Industry Transition

            Mr Edgaras Leichteris, expert, regional coordinator

11:20-11:40     Findings of European Observatory for Clusters and Industrial Change[1] and introduction into the work in the policy review meeting

            Mr Lucas Porsch, expert, VVA. Presentation&Discussion

11:40-12:00     The Quality of Cluster Management as a Key Tool for Fostering Industrial Modernisation

            Mr Helmut Kregel, expert, European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis

12:00-12:15     Questions and discussion
12:15-12:45     Lunch
Workshop with Cluster Observatory
12:45-13:00     Short introduction of working groups
13:00-14:30     Working Groups on Cluster management practices
·         Fostering Internationalisation of Clusters

 MrAlain Tubiana, expert, Chairman of the Cluster gnomon sas and Head of the Master   program for Cluster Management, Strasbourg University

·         Building Cooperation and Trust in Clusters

Ms Bianca Muntean, expert, Cluster manager iTech Transylvania, Romania

·         Linking SMEs to Research and Innovation

Expert TBC

14:30-15:00     Presentation and discussion of results in working groups


15:00- 15:15    Final discussion


[1] Presentation as a part of the second project implemented by Ministry of Economy. Under this project the Programme for Transformation of Lithuanian Industry has to be prepared. The support for preparation of this programme is provided under the participation in EC pilot project on industrial transition. The Cluster Observatory is one of the participating parties that is responsible for providing customise advisory support services.