Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology invites all interested parties who would like to learn more about clusters and creating international partnerships in the Baltic region to the first conference & matchmaking event the BALTIC CLUSTER FORUM 2018 which will take place on 16th May in Litexpo Exhibition and Congress Centre (Laisves ave. 5, Vilnius, Lithuania).
The event is focused on 3 major points: internationalization, partnership and opportunity. Local and foreign experts will provide valuable information and insights on policy, cluster management excellence, funding possibilities and support programs for clusters.
B2B matchmaking opportunity
BALTIC CLUSTER FORUM 2018 will provide excellent platform to network and find new partners. Extensive matchmaking session for C2C (cluster to cluster) and B2C (business to cluster) will be hosted.
Participation in the conference and matchmaking sessions is free of charge, however registration is required due to limited spots available. Registration is available here (on your right).
ATTENTION: registration to the matchmaking session is now open and registered participants should create their profiles on this specialized platform. You will be able to review other profiles, find common interests and easily schedule meetings via automated system.
10.00 | Registration and welcome coffee Moderator: dr. Mantas VILYS, Director of Lithuanian Innovation centre |
10.30 | Opening speech Virginijus SINKEVIČIUS, Minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania |
10.40 | Know your neighbor: future challenges and potential Gintaras VILDA, Vice-Minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania |
11.00 | High quality cluster management as a key element of a successful world-class cluster
Bianca DRAGOMIR, Director of AVAESEN Cluster, Cluster Manager of the Year 2016-18
11.30 | Lithuanian export: rapidly growing, but in need of innovations
Aleksandr IZGORODIN, Innovation Expert at Lithuanian Innovation Center (LIC)
11.50 | Lunch break | ||
13.30 | Key Take Aways on Cluster Internationalization
Olena FESENKO, Head of the Technology Transfer, Innovations and Intellectual Property Department Institute of Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Panel Discussion |
Happy ever after: how to make it happen? Key elements of building successful partnerships and developing collaboration through clusters in the Baltic region Moderator: dr. Mantas VILYS Participants: Giedrius BAGUŠINSKAS (SmartFOOD, LTU), Aiga IRMEJA (Latvian IT Cluster, LV), Doris PÕLD (Estonian ICT Cluster. EE)
14.30 | Coffee break | ||
14.45-17.30 | B2B session | Informal discussions & networking | MITA workshop |