AgriFood Lithuania DIH

AgriFood Lithuania is a Digital Innovation Hub that brings together major research, business and public stakeholders in Lithuania for the common pursuit of digital transformations in the agriculture, food and associated sectors.
The mission of AgriFood Lithuania DIH is to contribute towards achieving the vision outlined in the EU Declaration of ‘A smart and sustainable digital future for European agriculture and rural areas’ and strengthen the national and European technological infrastructure.
The DIH links stakeholders with international and cross-sector initiatives to provide all-round support in the research, development and deployment of AgriFood Tech innovations:
- Provide comprehensive support and specialized services in the field of research, development and implementation of agrifood innovations.
- Facilitate stakeholder partnerships for joint high-tech research, technology transfer and industrial application.
- Connect national innovation projects, start-ups and companies with wider international and cross-sectoral initiatives and centers of excellence.
- Contribute to the strengthening of national and European technological infrastructure.
Competences of DIH members:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Internet of Things
- Smart sensors and electronics
- Location based technologies
- Aerial system applications
- Distributed systems and blockchain
- Spectroscopy and remote sensing
- Big data and data analytics
- Enterprise information systems
- Web, cloud and SaaS services
Our services:
- Collaboration
Stakeholder ecosystem building and synergy creation. - Knowledge Transfer
Facilitating international technology, competence and know-how transfer. - Innovation Co-Creation
Supporting R&D project development and funding accessability. - Use Case Validation
Solution prototyping, end-user testing and market need assessment. - Commercialization
Innovation business development and investment readiness services. - Mentoring and Training
Supporting upcoming talent and fostering innovation growth.


Agrokoncernas, UAB
Agrokoncernas group is one of the biggest partners of Lithuanian farmers in the sectors of agrochemical service, sales of agricultural products and other areas of agricultural industry.

Agrolabas, UAB
The company develops and distributes a crop farm process management system designed to help the farmer: model the future vision of his farm, make investment decisions, increase the economic efficiency of the farm, manage the farm’s operational information, and report to the authorities.

Ars Lab, UAB
The developer of innovative electronic devices who has introduced the world’s first portable electronic nose capable of detecting the freshness of meat, poultry and fish.

A boutique innovation house delivering AgriFood Tech solutions that shape the future of agriculture, food and associated sectors. A family of passionate professionals with a mission to make our agriculture and food more efficient, sustainable and healthy with the help of breakthrough technologies.

BENCO Baltic Engineering Company, UAB
A team of professionals who develop and implement Smart Metering and Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) solutions. Our goal is to help our clients control, optimize and save all kinds of energy costs and thus improve energy efficiency in industrial companies.

Birštono mineraliniai vandenys ir Ko, UAB
A modern company that uses both advanced technologies and strict methods of quality control, aiming at making natural mineral water reach the consumer of the same quality as used by our ancestors, when they were drawing it from the source.

COBALT, law firm
A closely integrated alliance of top-tier law offices in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus. One of the largest law firms in the Baltic market.

IT Sistemos, UAB
We strive to develop and implement state-of-the-art engineering solutions for buildings that fully meet the needs of our customers. Our research and development (R&D) department also carries out research and development of innovative products in the field of technology.

Lithuanian Business Confederation
Lithuanian Business Confederation is the largest business organization uniting service, trading and high-tech companies. We are the national committee of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC*) in Lithuania.

Lithuanian Farmers’ Union
Self-governance organization of farmers, having a significant input to development of modern, competitive Lithuanian agriculture. Continual work of the Chamber resulted in trust and respect among the farming society.

Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics
State Research Institute, conducting research and experimental (social) development in the field of agriculture, food and fisheries economics and rural development in Lithuania in the field of social sciences.

National Food and Veterinary Risk Assessment Institute
An institution subordinate and accountable to the State Food and Veterinary Service. The Institute performs the functions of risk assessment and national reference laboratory, as well as laboratory research in the fields of food, feed safety, quality, veterinary, as well as research on hydrobionts and natural water.

National Paying Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania
The only accredited institution managing the measures of support for agriculture, rural development and fisheries.

Nature Research Centre
The Center conducts research that ensures the country’s competence in matters of sustainable development and fulfillment of international obligations, coordinates long-term research activities in accordance with research directions approved by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, participates in the study process and provides services to business and economic entities.

Raudonas mygtukas, MB
Information systems and software development, systems integration, project management. Excellent knowledge of various information technologies and methodologies and the ability to understand the unique needs of each client.

Šiaurės Vilkas, UAB
The company is successively operating in the grain purchase, preparation and export as well as transport service areas. The company is founder and sole shareholder of the companies: UAB Maltosa, UAB SV Transport , UAB SV Servisas.

SiemTecha, UAB
The company provides professional services and advanced solutions both in Lithuania, and internationally. The company’s main fields of activity include automation of industrial equipment, building engineering systems and technologies, installation, maintenance and specialized training services.

Smart Food Cluster
A cluster consists of food industry companies representing individual industry sectors in domestic and foreign markets, not acting like direct competitors to one another, and creating possibilities for mutual trust and cooperation.

Spektrolabas, UAB
A team of passionate business, science and technology professional, set at innovating new solutions for the food industry and solving some of its most pressing issues.

The Chamber of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania
Organizacija, vienijanti nevyriausybines žemdirbių ir kaimo gyventojų organizacijas, atstovaujanti bendriems visų kaimo žmonių interesams, skatinanti žemės ūkio bei kaimo sektoriaus vystymąsi.

Tiskūnų AGRO, UAB
During its years of operation, the company has productively used its existing storage space and new technologies and developed a strong grain elevator that works closely, efficiently and effectively with all the company’s customers. A modern laboratory has been set up, which is equipped with the latest equipment for determining the quality of grain and rapeseed.

Vertex, UAB
IT product development company. We create and develop new products, consult companies, invest in new and big ideas.

Vilniaus kolegija
One of the largest professional higher education institutions in Lithuania. Studies at the College are organized in seven faculties: Electronics and Informatics, Economics, Business Management, Health Care, Agrotechnology, Pedagogy, and Arts and Creative Technologies.

Visoriai Information Technology Park
VITP is a technology park located in Vilnius. Our aim is to help our companies grow and build a professional community. Our main activities are rendering consulting services on innovation, finance, R&D to innovative companies. We organize information events for professionals and during innovation workshops we help to develop insights for initiating and creating new products or services.

Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy
VMU Agriculture Academy is a state institution of higher education and research, which is constantly improving its activity and meeting the highest expectations of society needs. At present it has over 5000 students in a wide range of study programmes of biomedicine, technologies and social sciences.

Žemdirbių Konsultacijos, UAB
Expert advice to farmers and agricultural enterprises in the CEE region. Our team is dedicated to create a better farming culture in Europe. Company specializes in agricultural consulting (farm management, fertilizer & pesticide optimization and other services) and development of smart agriculture tools.