Advanced Orthopedics and Rehabilitation Cluster

2012 June 11 The Joint Action Agreement established the “Advanced Orthopedic and Rehabilitation Equipment” cluster.
The Joint Operating Agreement was signed by 10 partners. The cluster members agreed to create a collaborative environment and pool resources and expertise in new product development, manufacturing and marketing, as well as high-tech design and deployment, technology services, innovation and investment promotion.
Organizations of the cluster (VšĮ Vilties ringas, UAB Start Vilnius, Lithuanian Sports University, UAB Optronika, UAB Plėtra, UAB MT Sprendimai, Gaumina UAB, Eleston UAB, State Budget Office Research Institute of Physical and Technological Sciences “), united for the common purpose of creating a modern base for the development of advanced orthopedic and rehabilitation techniques, the dissemination of knowledge and technology, and business development under conditions of economic globalization.
Tasks of the cluster:
- Establish a network of internal and external cooperation between business, science, training and service actors.
- expand co-development, production and marketing of high value-added products, solutions and services;
- to collect, analyze and provide to partners information on the achievements and best practices of advanced orthopedic and rehabilitation research and development (hereinafter R&D) with the desired characteristics;
- to develop markets for their product service needs in Lithuania and abroad by promoting technological modernization of Lithuanian industry;
- To improve the capacity of the Cluster Partners in the implementation of foreign state-of-the-art technologies, materials, other technological and managerial innovations and investments;
- Facilitate the development of new orthopedic and rehabilitation tools for researchers in the fields of medicine, physics, mechatronics, orthopedics, and new materials;
- to enable scientists developing new orthopedic and rehabilitation techniques and methodologies in scientific institutions to test and test them under pilot production conditions and to accelerate the market introduction of new products;
- integrate the Cluster and its Partners into international cooperation networks and projects;
- Strengthen, within and outside the Cluster, the full cooperation of Lithuanian research and training institutions with business, promoting R&D and innovation in the Cluster and beyond;
- To develop and strengthen infrastructure and competencies for collaborative / open access Cluster R&D activities and specialist expertise;
- promote the creation and retention of high-quality jobs, and implement the principles of corporate social responsibility;
- to take any other action necessary to achieve the purpose of this Treaty.

Lietuvos sporto universitetas
Lithuanian Sports University (LSU) develops project activities by implementing national and international level projects focused on the improvement of infrastructure and study processes and research. LSU participates in international educational programs that promote international cooperation with higher education institutions and other organizations in European countries. In project activities, LSU cooperates with partners – business enterprises and other higher education institutions.

UAB ,,Optronika“
OPTRONIKA is a scientific and production company of laser and optical technologies, a member of the International Laser Display Association (ILDA) ( We perform impressive multicolor laser shows in urban and personal celebrations, promotions, new product presentations, exhibitions, concerts, clubs. We manufacture laser equipment, optical devices, perform measurements and examinations.
UAB “Eleston”
UAB „Gaumina“

UAB „MT sprendimai“
Health and time are very important values in human life. Only when we lose them do we realize what we have lost and everything else loses meaning. We strive to preserve both values - we help a person to maintain or regain health, saving his precious time.
The mission is to develop, manufacture and provide consumers with modern, safe and effective orthopedic technical devices using the latest scientific and production technologies. To improve the quality of life of the society – to create a wide selection of orthopedic technical means.
The vision is to become a leader in the production of orthopedic technical devices in existing markets, to start operations in new markets and to become the leading orthopedic technical device production company in the Baltic States.

UAB „Plėtra“
UAB Plėtra designs, tests and mass-produced orthopedic products. The main production of the company is the production of elastic silicone breast exoprostheses. Other orthopedic products made of silicone and PVC are also produced: breast lifts, various warmers, toe extenders, etc. All our products are approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania, are made of the highest quality materials that are not harmful to human health and are not inferior in quality to analogues produced in foreign countries.
UAB „Start Vilnius“

Valstybinis mokslinis mokslinių tyrimų institutas ir Fizinių ir technologijos mokslų centras
CENTER FOR PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY (FTMC) is the largest scientific research institution carrying out a unique fundamental research and technological development works in scientific fields of laser technologies, optoelectronics, nuclear physics, organic chemistry, bio and nanotechnologies, electrochemical material science, functional materials, electronics, etc. in Lithuania. In the Center not only the innovative science but also high technologies expedient for business and society needs are developed.