National Food Cluster

The National Food Cluster is a network of cooperation between Lithuanian food sector businesses
and research institutions which seeks to identify market niches on the basis of which Lithuanian
food industry could replace low value-added chains with high value-added chains;
concentrate human, financial, organisational, infrastructure and technological resources by occupying
designated market niches for Lithuanian enterprises;
organise a continuous process of acquisition of skills, knowledge and information by network
participants, enabling them to become active and competitive market participants.
The Association “National Food Cluster” was established on 3 April 2006 in Babtai, Kaunas district.
The head of the cluster is Dr Ceslovas Bobinas.
Association “National Food Cluster”
Mission of the association: Strengthen the capacity of cluster
members in the overall value chain for food development
with the aim of ensuring long–term competitive advantage
in domestic and foreign markets.
Vision of the association: a brand representing high added
value, quality and wellness, known in Lithuania and abroad,
developing high added value, health–friendly foods by
combining the competences of different members of the cluster.
Cluster coordinator tasks:
Bring cluster companies together into a network of high
value–added companies.
Modernise the activities of cluster companies in the
development and production of innovative products.
Modernise and organise exchange experience and
information activities.
Initiate joint projects and training to raise the
competence of CEOs and employees.
Apply for EU and other support funds.
Conduct joint marketing, publicity of the cluster.
Encourage cluster members to participate in Lithuanian and
international exhibitions.
Organize members‘ business missions, take care of the
search for new customers and partners.
Cooperate with science and training institutions to
achieve common objectives.
Attract new members to the classroom.
Encourage cooperation between cluster members,
exchange of information and exchange of best practices.
To represent the interests of the members of the cluster
in state and local self–government institutions, and in
Lithuanian and international organisations.


Dairy farmer Milnora Pšibisauskiene
Aromatic herbs. Organic farm of the aromatic herbs of Milnora and Linas
Pšibisauskas. One–year–old, two–year–old and perennial aromatic herbs
are grown, which are not only of different species but
also of a wide variety of varieties.

JSC “Mokslo kavine”
It is a shop, cafe, office and production and creative space
where innovative products and services created by young
entrepreneurs and scientists are introduced to the market,
experimental products are produced and sold, and young
entrepreneurs are educated, enabling them to realize
their ideas and produce their products.

Professionally engaged in shop equipment, vegetable storage
ventilation equipment, design, sale, installation of
refrigeration systems, and technical service. The company
offers state–of–the–art and non–standard solutions,
world leading manufacturers and guarantees impeccable
operation of all installed equipment.

JSC “Daumantai”
Daumantai LT UAB – production of mayonnaise, sauces, ketchups, spice mixtures
and other products of more than 100 different names.

JSC “Dehidra”
Cold–dried (lyophilised) products. The company grows and
produces high–quality cold–dried (lyophilised) strawberries
and other berries and fruits. We work on a vertically
integrated business model that includes growing, processing,
product production and placing on the market.

JSC “Eideka”
Raspberries, frozen raspberries in winter, raspberry jam,
raspberry–apple juice, repairing raspberries and their
sprouts. The Raspberry certified farm produces healthy
raspberries with excellent taste.

JSC “Judex”
UAB Judex is one of the largest modern frozen food
production companies in Lithuania.

JSC “Melyne”
It is a young, innovative research firm founded in 2014 in
collaboration with THE LAMMC Institute for Gardening
and Horticulture. The company works with local plant
raw materials to find innovative technologies and their
potential for use in food and other products production,
so that products are enriched with biologically valuable
materials, preserve natural colours and be healthier.

JSC “SatiMed”
It is a biotechnology research and development company that
brings together a group of professional specialists who focus
on research and application of natural herbal products to
categories of products such as cosmetics, supplements or
functional food.

JSC “Spila”
High quality functional food line products. Energy,
employability, familiar and well–absorbed food materials
together with a healthy and balanced and complete
diet and an active lifestyle are important for a consistent
and normal assurance of the body‘s functioning.

JSC “ Innofoods “
AVOO – an original Lithuanian oat drink company. What started in 2015 with two friends, a big idea and a shared passion for food innovation have quickly grown into a company on a mission to accelerate society’s shift towards plant-based drinks.

JSC „Dangaus pupos“
It is a food and drink company that produces red and
blackcurrant seasonings only from natural raw materials
for fans of healthy food and good taste.

JSC „Eco Extractum“
The company specializes in the production of CO2 extracts
and the sale of subcritical CO2 extractors. The goal of the
company is to provide the customer with a quality and pure
product through environmentally friendly production.
CO2 extracts are a great raw material for cosmetics, food
supplements, aromatic products, etc.

JSC „Kedainiu konservu fabrikas“
The Kėdainiai canning brand is the best–known canned
product brand of Lithuanian onsumers, and the
company produces a wide range of products: mayonnaise,
sauces, canned vegetables, fruits, jams and jams,
and canned soups.

JSC „Ruta“
Candy factory. It produces more than 300 names of sweets.
These include chocolate candy with fillings, truffles,
scratches, chocolate figures, jelly and suffix candy,
sugar–free, organic, culinary heritage products,
soft caramel, chocolate with a variety of additives
and seasonings.

JSC „Salprone“
Socially responsible and innovative enterprise whose main
activity is the preparation of salad blends. We simplify
culinary work by preparing salad blends.

JSC „Sulte“
Juice clamp.

Manufacture of experimental equipment,
collection, processing of organic juice.

LAMMC Institute for Gardening and Horticulture
Agrobiological and ecological research of garden and nursery plants, development of propagation and cultivation technologies. Quality studies for fruit, berries and vegetables, optimisation of storage and processing methods, development of bio-valuable products, using the biodiversity of garden and garden plants.

Lithuanian Association of Berry Growers, Processors and Traders
Advice on berry growing, processing, marketing, rese
arch and development, cooperation with scientific
institutions, berry processing, marketing services,
search for suppliers, market research, organisation
of events.

Serksnas honey
Certified bee products of exceptional quality.
Manufactured in Lithuania.