Lithuanian Medical Tourism Cluster LITCARE

Lithuanian Medical Tourism Cluster LITCARE is an association of leading Lithuanian private and state organizations providing medical, dental, medical rehabilitation, accommodation, SPA & wellness, travel and leisure, medical facilitation and many other services aimed at taking the best possible care of all needs of a medical tourist. We form the medical tourism value chain and support it through synergic and coordinated activities, which has been established for increasing the extent and export of medical tourism services.
Specialists define Lithuania as the one of 10 Best Countries for Medical Tourism in the World. We believe it deserves to be in TOP 5. So the aim of LITCARE is to promote and develop export ant strengthen the competitiveness of Lithuanian services in the international medical tourism market. We provide medical tourists with the highest aggregate added value (price to quality ratio) and overall lasting satisfaction with received services. Also secure competitive advantage of the country in the international medical tourism market.
Cluster’s members are awarded with highest international quality certifications and accreditations:
LITCARE seeks exelence. In 2017 Lithuanian Medical Tourism Cluster was benchmarked according to a benchmarking approach developed and performed by the “European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis” and is awarded with the European Cluster Management Excellence label in BRONZE.
Lithuanian Medical Tourism Cluster is a proactive player nationally and internationally. Chairman of the Board of the Cluster Dr. Laimutis Paškevičius is also President and Chairman of the Board of the Lithuanian Clusters Association.
Mr. Paškevičius and Cluster’s managing director Mr. Gražvydas Morkus are members of the working group formed in the Ministry of Economy for solving Lithuanian clustering issues.
Lithuanian Medical Tourism Cluster is constantly seeking for the local and foreign members to integrate in to LITCARE’s value chain and international parnters to cooperate and develop comon projects. LITCARE is also an active member of the European Cluster Collaboration Platform.


AB „Eglės“ sanatorija
Medical SPA, medical treatment and rehabilitation, leisure services

Diverse range of medical treatment and procedures carefully selected by a team of experienced doctors and surgeons

Fast, precise and reliable travel services 24/7

UAB „ projektai“
IT services

UAB „Pro-Implant“
Implantation, surgical treatment and other professional dental services

UAB „Regos centras“ | Vision Center
Vision correction surgeries

UAB „Sidabrilis“
First aid and patients transportation services

UAB „Sistemų registras“ | Systems Registry
Management systems certification services

UAB „SK impeks Medicinos diagnostikos centras“ | Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Centre
One of the biggest private medical institutions in Lithuania, and the country’s pioneer and leader in private medicine