Seminar “Encouraging Collaboration with Scandinavia”

On the 2nd August, the Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA) invites to the seminar “Encouraging Collaboration with Scandinavia”. During the seminar, three measures for Lithuanian clusters will be represented:
- Description of the participation and financing conditions of the financial instrument “Innovation Express” of the Baltic Sea Region project “BSR Stars”
- MITA measure for partner search in Scandinavia that supports visits of companies
- MITA project “Promotion and Development of Innovation Networking (InoLink)” that provides services to clusters
Seminar’s target group: clusters, companies, associations, others concerned persons.
The aim of the seminar is to encourage Lithuanian clusters to join international networks, programmes and financing instruments, and to develop collaboration with the Scandinavian countries.
On 2 May 2016, an international call for the financing instrument “Innovation Express” of the Baltic Sea Region project “BSR Stars” was announced. The purpose of the call was to encourage enterprise networks and clusters of the Baltic Sea Region to cooperate, when creating innovations.
During the seminar, MITA will provide information on the new project that will provide services to Lithuanian clusters: cluster maturity sessions will be arranged, experts will provide targeted consultations on the development and growth of clusters, as well as on cluster labelling.