Baltic Cluster Forum 2022: The Next Generation

Register for the 6th annual conference and international B2B matchmaking event
Clusters have come a long way in Lithuania and with growing number of certified clusters grow the expectations for their performance beyond the focus on innovation. It is time to get to the next level and start shaping the new generation of clusters in Lithuania: leaders of resilient twin transition, not only active participants, but the power houses behind the international value chains.
Innovation Agency Lithuania and Lithuanian Innovation Centre are inviting community of industry clusters across Europe to come together on 22nd of November in Vilnius to find out what it means to be a cluster of excellence and a cluster fit for the future. The goal of this conference and B2B matchmaking event is to inspire change, share best practices and learn about opportunities to become the generation of leaders in green economy and enablers of well-being.
This event is free of charge. Language – English.
November 22nd
9:00-10:00 – Registration & coffee
10:00 – 10:15 – Welcome speeches (representatives from Innovation Agency Lithuania)
10:15 – 10:45 – Clusters in EU: leading transition today and shaping the future (remote presentation by Antonio Novo Guerrero, President of the European Clusters Alliance &, managing Director of the Cluster IDiA)
10:45 – 11:15 – Clusters in Lithuania: work in progress (Pranas Senapėdis, InoLink project, Innovation Agency)
11:15 – 11:45 – Coffee break
11:45 – 12:00 – Silver worth gold: why did we go through certification and things we would do differently (Laura Uturytė, Lithuanian Silver cluster Smart Food sharing experience)
12.00 – 12:30 – The state of cluster certification in Lithuania: process, results, lessons for the future (dr. Gintaras Labutis)
12.30 – 13:00 – Horizon Europe opportunities for innovative business (Deividas Petrulevičius, Research Council of Lithuania)
13:00 – 14.30 – Lunch
14:30-15:00 – Cluster management and all the transitions. Strategy to tackle change
15.00 – 15.30 – Discussion. How much does it cost to pave the way to transition: sharing experience, timeline, investments and secrets of success (Laima Balčiūnė, Kristina Alešiūnienė, Gytis Junevičius)
15:30-17:00 B2B matchmaking meetings and networking/ Q&A about European Cluster Excellence Labels, certification process with dr. G. Labutis
Baltic Cluster Forum is organized by the project “Promotion and Development of Innovation Networking (INOLINK)”. It promotes clustering of companies, increases the maturity of clusters, contributes to their growth and development of international cooperation. The project is implemented by the Innovation Agency Lithuania (IA). The project partner is the Lithuanian Innovation Centre (LIC). INOLINK is funded by the European Regional Development Fund.