Event about the benefits of clusters and opportunities for cross-sectoral cooperation

Currently at European level there are two most relevant issues related to clusters: internationalization and cross-sectoral partnerships. That is why, on October 6th InoLink (“Innovation Networking Promotion and Development”) organized an informational event for all those interested in clustering “Cross-sectoral Cooperation: Opportunities in Clusters”. Not only did this event showcase the benefits of clusters, but also sought to find additional ways and means for interdisciplinary cooperation, especially, since interdisciplinary, inter-sectoral partnerships are among the most effective ways to innovate.
Head of Innovation Support Services Department of Lithuanian Innovation Center Dr. Artūras Jakubavičius at the event gave a lecture on cluster development opportunities and communication nuances. Representative of the Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA) and InoLink Project Manager Jolita Razumienė introduced the project to the participants and presented the results achieved the project was launched. “Our activities aimed at strengthening and developing clusters are really needed and the demand for our consultations which exceeded the expectations serves to proove it. We hope that our targeted activities of the project will strengthen the clusters, and good examples will encourage further development of clusterization processes in Lithuania”, said Razumienė.
“Innovation Networking Promotion and Development” (InoLink) is an Inogeb LT project coordinated by the Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology Agency (MITA) and is being implemented jointly with the Lithuanian Innovation Center. It is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and its purpose is to promote the merger of companies into clusters, increase cluster maturity, promote growth and international cooperation.