Call: Partner Search Mission at „Slush 2017“

The Ministry of Economy and the Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (hereinafter referred to as the Agency) invite innovative hightech companies to apply for participation in partner search mission at the Slush 2017 event. It will take place in Helsinki, Finland, on 29th November – December 1st.
“Slush” is one of the largest events in the Scandinavian region attracting innovative companies and international investors, heads of various organizations and media representatives. The event is aimed at companies of all fields of technology, investors and all those actively interested in innovative technologies and their commercialization.
The partner search mission will serve as a platform for Lithuanian and Finnish Innovation Companies. Meetings will be hosted with the most advanced Finnish companies and presentations made on topical cooperation issues. The main topic of the forum is science and business cooperation for competitiveness in the 4th Industrial Revolution. More about the event:
The objectives of this mission are: to find partners for participation in international research programs (Horizon 2020, Eureka, Eurostars-2, etc.); present their ideas to investors and find partners to realize their ideas. It is planned to select up to 15 business representatives to participate in the mission.
More information via tel. (8 5) 2127435, e-mail: [email protected].