Cleantech Cluster Lithuania

Cleantech Cluster Lithuania connects clean technology companies, science and research institutions and other entities which contribute with their professional knowledge, skills, business activities, reputation and experience in pursuit of common goals of increasing the competitiveness of the cluster members and positioning Lithuania as a country of clean technologies.
Increasing the competitiveness and added value of cluster members and the entire sector, fostering integration and interdisciplinary collaboration, providing high-added value solutions for clean technologies through R&D, innovation development and implementation, and similar activities.
We want Lithuania to become the leader of clean technologies in the Baltic Sea region.
Sunrise Valley Science and Technology Park
Coordinator of Cleantech Cluster Lithuania – Sunrise Valley Science and Technology Park. The Park features long-standing traditions in development of entrepreneurship, promotion of business and science collaboration, provision of infrastructure and other innovation support services to young, innovative enterprises as well as to other knowledge-intensive business.


“Birštono mineraliniai vandenys”, UAB
Birštonas Mineral Waters is a modern company that uses not only advanced technologies but also strict quality control methods. Currently, three types of natural mineral waters Vytautas, Birutė and Akvilė are produced.

“Super solem”, UAB (Nectar Sun)
The Nectar Sun is an innovative photovoltaic system made for water heating. The Nectar Sun controller, which is connected to a conventional home water heater, uses solar energy to save money.

“Ignitis Group”
Ignitis Group is a group of energy companies operating in the Baltic States and Poland. This year Ignitis Group introduced its new strategy – group will increase green generation capacities, expand its operations in international markets, will create and introduce innovations in the energy sector. Ignitis will create future energy by making it easy, invisible, green, smart, and global! In order to become the most innovative energy company, Ignitis has set up an IGNITIS Innovation Hub ( with one of the focus areas of open partnership promotion with other companies and educational institutions.

„Rekin“, UAB
UAB REKIN specializes in the development of cosmetics and veterinary products for medical use. The company, in collaboration with a wide range of scientists, develops innovative products that protect against the harmful effects of the environment by abandoning synthetic additives without natural analogues.

„Saulės grąža“, UAB
Saulės grąža is the leading solar energy company in Lithuania. The company’s activities include the implementation of energy projects, the development of electronic products and the advisory in the field of renewable energy. Since its establishment, Saulės grąža has implemented more than 400 projects and takes about 30% of Lithuania’s solar energy market. In order to maintain a leading position in the market, the company invests in the research and implementation of innovative and the most efficient solar energy solutions.

AIRPLUS1 Lituanica, UAB
UAB AIRPLUS1 Lituanica is a manufacturer of disinfection and smart ozone solutions. The company carries out both the production and installation of systems and applies a unique function – remote monitoring to ensure compliance with hygiene standards.

Bipa, UAB
BIPA, UAB develops and produces innovative multi-purpose solar service stations and solar street lights. These systems improve public spaces and make them safer and more attractive by offering various solutions for people’s daily needs. The service stations are equipped with innovative and integrated solutions that municipal authorities, parks, and local communities can use to provide various services to people with disabilities, cyclists, residents, and city guests.

Ekopolimeras, MB
The main activity of Ekopolimeras, MB is the production of paper and cardboard products; creative, artistic and entertainment activities; bioplastics research and innovation.

Elertis, UAB
Elertis is a startup that is creating a digital renewable energy marketplace that will allow green energy producers to sell their electricity directly to consumers. Elertis aims to also operate as an aggregator and in this way play a role in the demand-side response. Elertis is working on harnessing behavioural science and machine learning to create an effective solution that will allow energy consumption reduction in critical moments when energy needs exceed the supply.

Fast and Shine, UAB
Company Fast and Shine, UAB provides mobile waterless polymeric wash services. With this technology, they can clean not only cars but planes, boats and yachts as well. The company uses eco-friendly, biodegradable and certified materials and saves more than 100 litres of water per every wash.

Klaipėdos universitetas
The aim of Klaipėda University Marine Research Institute is to carry out international level marine research, to provide R&D services based on scientific research and innovation development, to participate in the formation of marine R&D activities, to participate in the study process.

Lithuanian Biomass Energy Association LITBIOMA
Lithuanian Biomass Energy Association LITBIOMA is currently comprised of more than 40 members. Association LITBIOMA involves the producers and suppliers of solid biomass and other renewable local resources, such as wood, straw, energetic willows, peat, as well as the producers and designers of solid biomass boiler rooms and other equipment, developers of plantations, academic institutions and independent heat suppliers. In order to strengthen the strategically important heat and electricity production and solid biomass market in Lithuania, the association is actively collaborating with various public institutions, organizing seminars, conferences, providing help to its members and safeguarding their interests.
LITBIOMA is dedicating a lot of attention towards implementation of innovations and investigative studies intended for more effective handling of local energy resources in Lithuania.

Mažoji bendrija “Biovala”
MB „Biovala“ is a young and innovative private capital science-production biotechnology company whose main activity is improving the quality of the environment. The main goal of the company is to provide professional consultations on the improvement of the environment and to offer high-quality products and services that help to solve ecological-environmental problems. While addressing these problems, the company focuses on scientific activities.

MB “Pack in green”

MB “Rimti Ratai”
“AKO trike” is redefining the vehicle segment between motorcycles & cars. MB “Rimti Ratai” is developing a three-wheeled, electric inverse trike, capable of leaning into curves (mimicking motorcycles) as well as simply steering at lower speeds. Company is combining the very best high-end engineering solutions, based on automotive sports, together with gorgeous & unique design.

MB „Inobiostar“
Inobiostar was established in 2020 as a spin-off company of Klaipeda University. Today, the company provides research & experimental development services and unconventional approach solutions to neutralize the consequences of oil spills at sea. To absorb the oil, Inobiostar uses special microorganisms and highly efficient, biodegradable, and reusable waste paper-based material – sorbent.

MB Inovacijos Maiste
MB Inovacijos Maiste which uses the brand “Green Bang Snacks”, produces healthy roasted chickpea snacks packed into biodegradable-compostable packaging. In addition, company spends 10% of its profit on planting trees and creating green zones in urban areas.

Solet Technics, UAB
“Solet Technics” – solar power experts who produce Lithuanian solar modules and install photovoltaic systems. The company’s installed power plants not only provide energy autonomy, save energy, reach places that are off the grid, but also protect the environment and nature. One of the most interesting works of the company – the highest solar power plant in Lithuania, which is located on the roof of a 23-storey building.

Susivienijimas ŽALI.LT
Žali.LT is a new generation of Lithuanian Green association, based on the principles of public awareness, human and natural coherence and the new green-led leaders. The movement follows the strategy that by combining solidarity, the public sector, initiatives and dialogue, it is possible to achieve the best solutions for sustainable development. The movement organizes various environmental initiatives such as Earth Hour, Buy Nothing Day, Earth Overshoot Day, etc., brings to the publicity the most pressing environmental issues, participates in dialogue with state institutions, business sector, other organizations, initiates social and innovative actions.

UAB “LZ Technika”
LZT Group – a group of companies based in Šiauliai, constantly investing in the latest technologies that are not only friendly to the environment, but also saves financial and time resources of its customers. One of the newest and most innovative products is the industrial wastewater treatment plant MEIRY, which process industrial wastewater to a level that allows wastewater to be used as technical water; and solar water heaters, designed to meet the specificity of the Northern European climate, which maximizes solar energy for water heating. All in one hand – design, manufacture, sale, installation and maintenance.

UAB “Popa LT”
Popa Boat is a sustainable city water transport operating on the principle of sharing. It is a solar-powered, easy-to-assemble/disassemble catamaran.

UAB “Soli Tek cells“
SoliTek – the leading Northern-European PV cells and modules manufacturer. SoliTek’s produces solar cells, glass-foil and glass-glass PV solar panels and installs solar power plants in Lithuania. But today they export more than 90% production to the European Union. They also pay a lot of attention to innovations and researches: on the factory building roof company has a solar laboratory – a 150 kW solar power plant – the place company tests its new products. Company collaborates with main world universities, interested in solar energy. That helped SoliTek to become one of the first manufacturer in Europe produced solar cells from recycled solar panels.

UAB „Bioversija“
Bioversio combines scientific knowledge with nature’s potential to meet the challenges of efficient and environmentally-friendly biotechnological solutions. Company’s products can be applied to various different uses: environmental protection, agriculture, medicine, cosmetics and food industry are only a few areas which can benefit from skillfully applied biotechnologies.

UAB „Eksponentė“
Innovations company “Eksponentė” is a project development and implementation company established in 1994 for Lithuanian Wind Energy development.

UAB „Ineco“
The main activity of UAB INECO is clean technologies, industrial ecology. Experts of the company carry out experimental and technological development, perform testing, implementation and provide consultations on industrial wastewater decontamination and waste utilization.

UAB „Rokvesta“
The main activity of UAB Rokvesta is the provision of environmental services to companies and organizations.

UAB „Saulės vėjo aruodai“
UAB Saulės Vėjo Aruodai conducts research, develops and manufactures simple but innovative solar energy products for smart homes. Engineers in the field of heating, ventilation and automation form the foundation of the company’s strength to create a cleaner future.

UAB Elektromobilių Sprendimų Centras (CHRG Network)

UAB Foros Global
Lithuanian start-up “FOROS” is forest management and investment platform. The tools offered by the platform make forest management simple and understandable for everyone: at the click of a button, you can start growing a new forest, manage an existing one, sell and invest in the forest, or do nothing, but always see the value of the forest and the opportunity plan.

UAB Kanapiniai sprendimai
UAB Kanapiniai Sprendimai provides primary hemp processing services. The company can distinguish between short and long fibers – for insulation of overlays, litter for animals, paper making, ropes or textiles. “Kanapiniai Sprendimai” is experimenting with hemp spikes and fiber to form composites using various biopolymers. The company aims to create biodegradable disposable food packaging.

UAB Viltechna
The main activity of UAB Viltechna is the development, installation and maintenance of safe traffic control systems, intelligent transport systems, information systems and solutions.

Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University is an innovative Lithuanian university educating creative highly qualified specialists. The University is a leader in the field of technical sciences and provides modern, labour-market-oriented studies.

Vilnius University
Vilnius University provides R&D-based and innovative solutions that create value for its partners in academic or business domains. More than 160 teams of researchers in all R&D areas – biomedicine, physical and technological sciences, humanities and social sciences – develop innovative interdisciplinary solutions for business and society.

VšĮ “Mes darom”
Since 2008 Darom is an active environmental organization that promotes citizenship and active society. We believe that bringing people into environmental protection action we are creating not only the clean environment but also an environment-friendly society. We want to change the well-established attitude that someone else is guilty of environmental problems. We invite you to change your habits and become more aware of the environment yourself.

VšĮ „Žaliasis taškas“
„Žaliasis taškas“ is the first and largest licensed packaging waste recovery and recycling organization in Lithuania, which coordinates the management of commercial packaging waste. Established in 2003, organization currently represents over 3000 Lithuanian producers and importers. The main objective of the organization is to develop an effective integrated packaging waste management and recycling system, minimize the pollution of packaging waste, and raise public awareness by promoting the sorting of waste.

VšĮ „Žaliosios politikos institutas“
“Green Policy Institute” (“Žaliosios politikos institutas”) is a think-tank of green ideas where suggestions turn into transnational cooperation, environmental protection and educational projects at international, national and municipal levels. The mission of the organization is to foster the integration of sustainable development solutions based on research and expert analysis into Lithuanian business, politics and society. Few of the latest projects of the Institute are the regional conferences “Green strategy for business” and international project “Low Carbon Logistics”.