Lithuanian Social Inovation Cluster

We are a network of socially responsible organizations and companies that unites, develops and strengthens:
– organizations and companies creating innovative social business;
– social activity initiatives carried out by state institutions;
– socially responsible activities carried out by educational institutions, research and study institutions;
– social activities carried out by religious and non-governmental organizations.
Based on common values and goals, we strive for systemic positive change and breakthrough in the country by creating, developing and disseminating innovative solutions to social challenges and problems for the most vulnerable target groups of society that experience social exclusion.
The cluster is open to a variety of approaches that promote social inclusion and people-centered innovation. Its activities aim to strengthen the culture of communication between social groups and institutions with different interests.


„Young Leaders Forum“
“Young Leaders Forum“ was established in 2010 under the chairmanship of the international organization Community of Democracies in Vilnius. More than 50 young leaders from all over signed the Vilnius Declaration establishing the Youth Dimension of The Communities of Democracies.
The organization currently brings together over a hundred political and public leaders from more than 49 countries.
The mission of the organization is to contribute to the strengthening of democracy at the international level in cooperation with international organizations, parliaments and civil society; share information, lessons learned and innovative solutions; to educate the younger generation and society about the principles and practices of democracy; strengthen like-minded international cooperation, share information and ideas, and develop leadership skills.

Adizes Institute Lithuania
The Adizes Institute is an international consulting organization that provides the management tools and solutions needed to successfully implement the changes needed by organizations. The institute implements transformation programs based on the original Dr. Ichak Adizes Methodology, developed and successfully applied worldwide since 1971, and which are used in avoiding chaos and destructive conflict.
The Vision, Mission and Core Values of the Social Innovation Cluster are formulated based on the Adizes methodology. The activities of the cluster are and will be based on the key principles of mutual trust and respect in the Adizes methodology.

Center for Communion and Social Innovation
The Center for Communion and Social Innovation was established by the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania.
It is a creative solution center with educational activities focused on promoting public employment, emotional and spiritual development, artistic expression, crime prevention, development and realization of creative abilities, as well as providing assistance to people who are victims of human trafficking or other criminal activities.
The Centre’s activities are intended to enhance public confidence in civil servants, increase awareness of the work of officials, promote dialogue between the public and officials, and strengthen volunteering, citizenship and the social well-being of the people. Part of the activities will be aimed at improving retired officials, their integration into the labor market, psychological health and emotional well-being.

European Humanities University
EHU is an international University for promoting civil society development through Humanities and Liberal Arts. Education at EHU does more than immerse students in a range of subjects and disciplines. By virtue of University’s location in Vilnius Old Town, EHU maximizes the creative and academic potential of students, promotes European values, academic excellence and critical thinking. EHU welcomes students of all backgrounds, committed to liberal education, personal autonomy and free inquiry.

Gluk Media
Gluk Media is a leader in developing interactive media and augmented reality solutions, which blurs the line between the virtual and the real world by integrating innovations into a everyday life.
Since its start in 2010 Gluk Media has always been passionate about finding new ways to entertain, communicate, and interact.

Good to know are experts in communication services, training and event organization with many years of experience, who have successfully implemented projects in both the public and private sectors. The company offers successful and measurable communication, training for organizations and unique solutions for events.

Kaunas University of social applied sciences
Kaunas University of social applied sciences is a multi-profile state higher education institution training specialists in technology, IT, engineering, health, humanities, social, art, education, business and public management, law, and agricultural sciences. More than 6,500 students from Lithuania and foreign countries study here.

Lithuanian Junior Achievement
Lithuanian Junior Achievement is a leader in economic education and entrepreneurship education programs in Lithuania. The mission of this NGO is to inspire and prepare young people to succeed in the global marketplace. Its programs reach about 20,000 students each year from more than 350 schools.

P. Petrauskas Academy Infinitas
Povilas Petrauskas is a professional coaching specialist and consultant aimed at helping people to understand themselves and each other. Because personal or professional activity is often rooted in the fact that we simply cannot hear ourselves or each other fully, Povilas’s mission is to inspire and empower one another to listen, hear and understand one another. Then it becomes very easy to do what is needed and get the results you want faster.

Pirmas blynas
Pirmas blynas is a pancake restaurant with a culinary and a socially conscious mission! Their delicious pancakes are served to you by people with disabilities. Their staff will do their absolute best every day in order to ensure that your lunch experience is unforgettable everyday life.

PI Ramintoja is a community of faith, culture, science, spiritual and social innovation. It creates a creative and open to the public space, responding to the needs of different social groups, fostering a culture of communication, pooling and transferring knowledge and experience, developing and expanding innovative social solutions.
The revival history of the Church of the Virgin Mary of Consolation has been internationally recognized and is part of the Golden Collection of the European Cultural Heritage.
Public institution Ramintoja was recognized for social innovations in the field of heritage for involvement of different groups of society in heritage management, promotion of dialogue, cooperation and partnership.

Research Institute of Changes
PI Research Institute of Changes was established in 2014 in order to provide research consulting services based on professional scientific competencies to Lithuanian business and the public sector. Representatives of the Institute are active participants in international and national academic and business networks. Since 2016, a cooperation agreement has been signed with one of the most influential European consulting companies, Technopolis Group.

SMK University of Applied Social Sciences
The SMK University of Applied Social Sciences is the largest non-governmental higher education institution in Lithuania operating since 1994. Located in Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda. The College offers a wide range of study programs in the fields of Informatics, Health, Arts, Business and Public Management, Law, and Social Sciences.

Strazdanėlės are private kindergartens in Vilnius and an early education school for the whole family.

Sunrise Valley Science & Technology Park
Sunrise Valley Science Technology Park is a non-profit organization founded in 2003. The park has a long tradition of developing entrepreneurship, fostering business-science collaboration, providing infrastructure and other innovation support services to young innovative companies and other knowledge-intensive businesses.
The skills and knowledge of the park will be used in workshops, hackathons and other events organized by the Social Innovation Cluster.

Swamp of Kindness
The Swamp of Kindness ( lithuanian: Gerumo Liūnas) is an organization whose goal is to implement inspiring educational, cultural, artistic and business projects that promote the development of public awareness and personal development of each of its members.

The Global Leadership Summit
The Global Leadership Summit was first organized by the Willow Creek Association in 1992. The first conference brought together more than 2,000 participants: clergy, church servants, NGOs and business leaders. They were united by the realization that leadership is a complex vocation and the desire to constantly improve their leadership skills.
Today, the Global Leadership Summit is a high-class event where the messages of world-renowned leaders are broadcast in video format, and the messages of Lithuanian leaders are heard live.
The mission of the conference is to inspire people for honest leadership by fostering simplicity, building bridges of trust, and exposing invisible / informal leaders.

Vilnius University of applied sciences
An institution of higher education that is open to innovation, constantly changing, and harmoniously combines the needs of the labor market with the development of promising fields of science and art studies. An institution that fosters the creativity and responsibility of teachers and students based on high quality requirements. An internationally recognized higher education institution that successfully integrates into the common European higher education area.

Vytautas Magnus University
Recognized as one of the 3 percent. among the best universities in the world, VMU is the only one in the country to offer studies based on the principles of artes liberales. The University is liberal, socially responsible, communal, international, green-minded, creative and communal.