BCCS (Blockchain, Cyber Security and Compliance Solutions) Cluster

BCCS (Blockchain, Cyber Security and Compliance Solutions) Cluster enables the One-Stop Approach by connecting companies from different fields to cooperate. Our flexible approach of corporate expertise and startup agility, provides an interdisciplinary approach to services and solutions in one place.
Our goal is to create mutual products, and services by the joint collaboration of BCCS members. Additionally, give added value to our partners and stakeholders by providing a Value-Chain Approach of solutions in one place at all stage of the product and business development life-cycles.
BCCS Cluster is a consortium of private and public organizations that support the growth and development of the fintech industry with knowledge, talent and technology.
It is the first cluster in Lithuania which combines the European Union priority ICT domains: Blockchain, Cybersecurity and related technologies with “soft” domains: Legal and Compliance, Business Management, Marketing, Management, services.
The members of the BCCS Cluster are: Bitlocus, CEE Attorneys, Critical Security, DevSlate Group, Digital Solutions, Ondato, Privacy Partners, S-PRO, Super How?, Vegvisir, Vytautas Magnus University (VMU).
BCCS Cluster website: https://bccs.tech/
DevSlate Group
DevSlate Group provides services and solutions:
DevSlate – software development;
DefSlate – cyber security and compliance.



CEE Attorneys

Critical Security

Digital Solutions

FO consulting


Privacy Partners

Super How?

Vilnius University