iVita starts new Erasmus+ project HAePPI to improve the European SMEs competitiveness

On the 1st of December 2019 iVita cluster together with 5 partners started Erasmus+ project “Fostering the innovation in the European habitat and e-health sectors through the Public Procurement of Innovative solutions to improve the European SMEs competitiveness”(HAePPI). In order to achieve project goals, a Strategic Partnership has put 6 entities together from different countries and expertise fields of the project: two Universities with high expertise in public procurement policies (UNIZAR and ULO); two clusters from different sectors, habitat and eHealth (AMUEBLA and iVITA); a Technology Park and a business organisation expert in innovation management (STP); and a regional hotspot for health and innovation (Idéklinikken).
The first meeting of HAePPI project consortium was held in Denmark (Aalborg). The meeting was focused on key study of current best practices and industry needs, discussion of PPI and project administration activities as project dissemination planing, quality management and finance.
The main objective of the HAePPI project is to develop a new learning curriculum on PPI in line with the needs of habitat and eHealth SMEs.
The next meeting will be organized in the end of May 2020.