Invitation: partner search mission during Oslo Innovation Week 2017

The Ministry of Economy and the Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (hereinafter – the Agency) invite enterprises operating in the field of Green Industry Innovation to participate in the partner search mission during Oslo Innovation Week 2017 taking place on September 25-29 in Oslo (Norway).
Oslo Innovation Week is the most important annual innovation conference held in Norway bringing together speakers, experts, entrepreneurs, inventors, startups and innovation pioneers from all over the world. Oslo Innovation Week is the joint event of the city of Oslo and Innovation Norway agency organised by the Oslo Business Region.
On September 25, during the event, the Lithuanian companies will be introduced at the Cutting Edge Festival and will attend partner meetings. The Lithuanian companies will also be able to participate in other events of the Innovation Week. Preliminary programme:
Mission aims:
to find partners while seeking participation in the international scientific research, experimental development and innovations programme (Horizon 2020, Eureka, Eurostars-2, etc.),
to present ideas to the investors and find partners for the implementation of ideas.
Mission date: 25-29 September 2017
Mission place: Oslo, Norway
It is expected to select up to 12 representatives for participation in the event.
Participant expenses reimbursable by the Agency:
travelling expenses to/from Oslo;
accommodation expenses;
all public transport expenses for local trips in Norway, if they are related to the aims of the mission.
participant’s fee.
Expenses per participant reimbursable by the Agency shall not exceed EUR 800.
Application deadline – September 25, 2017
Applications must be submitted by e-mail to: [email protected]
Important documents:
Description of reimbursement of expenses incurred on the partner-finding mission
For inquiries:
Tel.: +370 68730775, e-mail: [email protected]