The director of MITA K. Šetkus: “We will seek to ensure the maturity and internationality of 10 most promising clusters”

On the 20th of October, Thursday, at the Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology, cooperation agreements with 10 most promising Lithuanian clusters on experimental consultancy services, which seek to increase their maturity and internalization, were signed. A tripartite agreement was signed with the Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology and the Lithuanian Innovation Center.
The services will include a wide range of consulting services: from legal, financial, marketing, strategy making to international partnership issues. Consultations will be provided individually by experienced experts that are professionals in their field. Consultations will take place in Lithuania; cluster presentation events will be organized. Clusters will have a possibility to participate in international events and exhibitions.
Kęstutis Šetkus, the director of the Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology, claims: “During the competition, we selected most promising clusters that we will collaborate with, and we will help them build competence, use various scientific research and experimental development and innovation programs, find international partners and become mature clusters in the international market of innovation. We expect that within a couple of years not less than 6 Lithuanian clusters will be awarded the bronze label of excellence, which only one Lithuanian wellness cluster (“iVITA”) has, and at least one silver label.”
Tripartite cooperation agreements were signed by 10 clusters: “iVITA” Wellness Cluster, Laser and Engineering Technology Cluster, SMART Food Cluster, National Food and Economy Cluster, Smart Technology Cluster, Lithuanian Plastics Cluster, Cluster “Railway LT”, Bio Power Plant Development Cluster, Lithuanian Automotive Component Manufacturers and Exporters Association (LAuGEA) and “Užupis Creative Cluster” Association.
Currently there are more than 50 active clusters in Lithuania. During the period of new EU investments, it is intended to ensure the maturity of already established clusters and to promote their competitiveness, the development of innovative products, export, and access to international networks.
It is expected that clusters will participate in various activities of international associations and international clusters, will take part in the Innovation Express measure of the Baltic Sea Region programme, and will use invitations to new EU structural measures.
Services to clusters will be provided in accordance with the new initiative “Promotion and Development of Innovation Networking (InoLink)” by MITA. The project will be implemented in three years together with a partner – the Lithuanian Innovation Center.