Clusters are Invited to Apply for “Maturing” Consultations

The Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA) invites to submit an application for the so-called cluster “maturity” consultations that focus on strengthening clusters that are already active in Lithuania, building their competence in development and growth.
These activities will be implemented in accordance with the EU’s new project “Promotion and Development of Innovation Networking (InoLink)” by “InogebLT” that is coordinated by MITA and is conducted in cooperation with the Lithuanian Innovation Centre. During the project, around 12 promising Lithuanian clusters will be selected, which will work in groups to discuss strategy making, choosing a business model, a marketing plan and other important questions.
The director of the Agency for Science Innovation and Technology Kęstutis Šetkus states: “During the previous EU funding period, we consulted on cluster creation, and during this period we need to ensure the maturity of already established clusters, therefore, we will collaborate with sustainable clusters that have a clear strategy”.
In order to promote the internationalization of Lithuanian clusters and their access to international markets, the search for international partners in accordance with smart specialization will be organized, partner search services and consultations on adding new international members to clusters will be provided, and many other activities will be arranged.
The duration of maturity sessions for one cluster during the whole time of the implementation of the “InoLink” project is 12 to 36 days, when the maturity session plan, covering subjects that are most important to them, is discussed in advance.
Applications shall be submitted by 30 September 2016 by email: [email protected] or delivered to this address: A. Goštauto str. 12-219, Vilnius. For more information please contact Jolanta Aviženytė, [email protected], Tel. 8 645 89 138.