Cluster TOOLAS: promising potential market and collaboration opportunities with Taiwan

Last month representatives of Taiwan have met with laser micromachining cluster TOOLAS. Taiwan is famous for its electronics, optoelectronics and semiconductors industries, thus it is a promising potential market for the cluster TOOLAS.
The Taiwanese delegation was attended by the Ambassador of Taiwan to the Baltic States Andy Chin, the Director of Taiwan Trade Centre in Poland Jasmine Teng and Representative of Taipei and German Ministry of Science and Technology prof. dr. Yian TAI. Members of Cluster TOOLAS – Optogama, Optonas, Evana Technologies and Cognitio (Direct Machining Control) – presented their projects and innovations, discussed ideas to collaborate and expressed the interest to participate in Taiwanese events in 2021.
Members of cluster TOOLAS have a wide range of competencies in the fields of lasers and photonics and can offer solutions to the biotechnology, smart technology and defence industries, which are prioritised innovation industries by the Taiwanese government.
According to Tadas Kildušis, the CEO of Cognitio (Direct Machining Control), “Taiwan has a lot of potential in the electronics and semiconductor markets, which are very important for us. We are currently growing rapidly in South Korea and Japan. Projects with China have slowed somewhat due to the travel restrictions due to COVID-19 pandemic. Taiwan would be a new market for us, so we are exploring opportunities for cooperation there as well.”
Aurimas Galinis, the CSO of Optogama, expects that “new contacts will help to start cooperation with governmental institutions in Taiwan and will facilitate the search for new partners for joint projects in the field of photonics.”
Gintas Jakubėnas, the CEO of Optonas, states that “the meeting with the representatives of Taiwan allowed to establish close business relations for further cooperation”.
According to Ambassador of Taiwan to the Baltic States Andy Chin, “the delegation was very impressed and encouraged to learn of the cooperation and exchanges that Lithuanian high-tech industries had already built up with Taiwan. We have some initiatives and plans to follow up next year in Taiwan, including a Lithuanian Pavilion in a chosen international exhibition for the Lithuanian laser industry. I also look forward to our next meeting, when we can exchange with more other businesses“.
Representatives of Taiwan invited members of the TOOLAS cluster to participate in the TIMTOS 2021 – Taipei International Machine Tool Show in Taiwan. This exhibition is known as the world’s leading industrial exhibition and is considered a springboard for business development in Asian and global markets. Participation in this exhibition would provide an opportunity for Lithuanian companies to establish direct contacts with industry representatives from Taiwan and other Asian countries.