Cluster Education Forum 2021 will focus on one of the key factors to ensure growth and success

Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA) and BSR CLUSTER MANAGER EDUCATION project group invites all parties stakeholders who are interested in creating international partnerships with clusters and companies in the Baltic Sea Region to the Multiplier Event CLUSTER EDUCATION FORUM which will take place ONLINE on 8th of June, 2021.
It will be carried out for facilitating collaborative dialogue and the sharing of knowledge and ideas.
CLUSTER EDUCATION FORUM 2021 will focus on one of the key factors to ensure growth and success in the future clusters: education, innovation and digitalization.
During the event, a variety of experts will provide the main topic related to the impact of educated clusters on the economy and the growth of innovation, the importance of clusters in the BSR strategy and reveal the cluster manager education as a key success factor in fuelling innovation engines.
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