September 26 d., 2017

Nine clusters represented Lithuania in the most important international event

Konferencijos dalyviai, MITA nuotr.

More than 180 clusters gathered in 5th Cluster Collaboration and Matchmaking event in Germany on September 21-22nd. Nine of them represented Lithuania. The intensive schedule of meetings and networking paid off: Lithuanian clusters returned not only with verbal cooperation agreements, but also signed agreements for joint activities.

Participation in an international event: is it worth it?

The organizers estimate that this year’s conference was attended by a record number of clusters’ coordinators from 30 different countries. During two days of the event, a number of workshops, sessions and about 600 matchmaking meetings took place.

“This conference is perhaps the most important and largest event in Europe devoted to cluster collaboration. It creates excellent environment for finding partners to cooperate in international projects,  helps to increase the internationalization of SMEs, facilitates  interregional and cross-sectoral innovations. Although the primary objective of the event was to stimulate applications under the “Innovation Express” measure, practice has shown that results go beyond that”, commented “InoLink” Project Manager Jolita Razumiene.

Both last and this year Lithuanian clusters were very successful in networking at this particular event.“This time, Lithuanian clusters were exceptionally well prepared to introduce themselves. Their experience is clearly showing. To my knowledge, at least two clusters, Lithuanian plastics cluster and iVita, signed agreements for joint activities with newly found partners during the event”, shared Jolanta Aviženytė, who participated in the event and is Cluster Development Coordinator in  the “InoLink” project.

According to her, clusters not only benefit from an international matchmaking sessions: in the course of practical seminars and sessions, clusters are looking for common work grounds, exchange knowledge, crystallize ideas for strategic cross-sectoral innovations.


Funding via MITA

The participation of Lithuanian business representatives in partner search missions abroad is supported by the Ministry of Economy and the MITA (Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology). Applicants might be reimbursed for travel expenses to various conferences, contact fairs, partnership events in the Baltic Sea Region and other countries.

After evaluation of  applications, 7 clusters from Lithuania were selected to form a business mission to the 5th International Cluster Collaboration and Matchmaking event: Lithuanian Association of Food Exporters (cluster SMART FOOD), iVita, LAuGEA, Lithuanian Engineering Industry Association LINPRA (Lithuanian Plastics Cluster), Užupis Creative Cluster, Lithuanian Printing Industries Association (LISPA), Public Enterprise “Science and Technology Park of the Institute of Physics” (LITEK cluster).

Those who intend to attend the 6th International Cluster Conference hosted by  BSR Stars next year,  should not miss  on the opportunity to receive funding. Follow the information on calls in or contact MITA and LIC Cluster Development Coordinators whose consultations are free of charge.

About InoLink

Most of the clusters who participated in the 5th International Cluster Collaboration and Matchmaking event are among the fourteen participants of  “Innovation Networking Promotion and Development” (InoLink) project. The project, funded by the European Regional Development Fund and launched last July, aims at encouraging clusterization, cluster development, growth and international cooperation.

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