7 clusters from Lithuania will participate in the international cluster conference in Germany

The Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA) published the results of selected candidates that will get reimbursements for participation in the 5th Cluster Matchmaking Conference. Clusters granted the funding are:
- Lithuanian Food Exporters Association (SMART FOOD Cluster)
- IVita Health Clinic
- Association of Manufacturers and Exporters of the Lithuanian Automobile Manufacturers Association LAuGEA
- Lithuanian Engineering Industry Association LINPRA
- Uzupis Creative cluster
- Lithuanian Printing Companies Association
- Science and Technology Park of the Institute of Physics (LITEK cluster)
The Conference is for the fifth time organized event for the cluster collaboration and is one of the largest cluster events in the Baltic Sea region, attracting over 130 clusters from 26 countries each year. It helps to establish new contacts, develop new partnerships and projects. The purpose of the conference is to promote the internationalization of clusters through active participation in the BSR program “Innovation Express”. The participation of Lithuanian business representatives in partner search missions abroad is supported by the Ministry of Economy and MITA.
Source: mita.lt